FLOF Title FLOF Title
Well, I guess it's time to take off to new horizons. It's ok, I won't cry... hehehe! I just hope you liked the Land of Freedom. Come back soon, I'll try to update my site more often!

Artists and friends pages

Sg26 Station Gaia 26 This site is owned by one of the best artist I've known... My brother! ^_^' Honestly, Sakura is one great illustrator, so go have a peek at his creations!
Abyss A.b.y.s.s. Samiko and Tsuki sure are so sweet! ^_^ Just go pay a visit, for their page is really something!
Endless land Endless Land. This is the page of Never Man sensei... oh wait, he's not japanese, so its Never Man teacher. Well, even if this guy is a bit grumpy, his art is great! That's really worth takin' a look!
Omea o Korosu center Omae o Korosu Center Don't get the wrong idea, Yoai and feminine bishounen isn't my thing, but since Betsuni is a anime lover like me and worked very hard to put up this neat site, I sure think it deserve to be linked!
Anipike Le temple d'Ashtal Even if Ashie-boy hasn't updated his site for months, he's still one of my good friend! His art is sure worth a look.

General pages and sites "you must see"

CG Shrines CG Picture Shrines Wanna see pretty pictures? The CG shrines is filled with it! I know Purple Dragon as a strange taste in female characters, but this site is worth surfin'.
  Anime Web TurnPike This is THE place for those who dig "Animé". Don't miss it.