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You know, I've met lots and lots of people in my short life. Directly or indirectly, they all contributed to it in their own ways in my personnal evolution. Let me thanks all of them! (By the way, these are in no perticular order)
Last Update: March 2002

Thanks a lot to...

  • ...My brother for a lot of reasons.
  • ...Beaudoin for being my only director friend.
  • ...Croteau for being so damn crazy, but one of the best friend I ever had. Please, stay the way you are, and call me, goddamnit!
  • ...Mondor for being my rival in those high school years. Don't throw away your talent!!
  • ...Eric because without you, I couldn't eat fast-food everyday.
  • ...David for giving me the "noune".
  • ...Saint Lyne (or Mama Lyne) for your everflowing kindness.
  • ...Maude Laflamme for just being the angel you are! ^_^
  • ...Frenette for creating the "chocolate theory".
  • ...Sami for drawing me a gift art! Thank you sooooo much!
  • ...Sara-chan for being one of the only girl who is "one of us".
  • ...Joannie (aka "Lollipop") for being my one and only fan.
  • ...Ghys for all those great animé nights.
  • ...Rachel for giving me hope when I arrived at Drummondville.
  • ...Mr. Paquin aka Mr. Pop for helping me to keep my sanity during my second year of college.
  • ...Neko-Mel for calling me at my faraway home. Nobody ever do that.
  • ...Vero-chan for being my first girlfriend.
  • ...Maridedli for having such a kawai nickname.
  • ...Kimkim for those warm hugs each time we met at the bus station. Too bad i rarely take the bus nowadays.
  • ...Patrick Guillemette for being so damn... weird!
  • ...Dost for flipping with me.
  • ...Pascal Plourde for being fatter than I (Only in my mind, though).
  • ...Tony for being Mr. Info 1997-2000.
  • ...Doogie for shaving his head, so I can rub it for hours.
  • ...Bill for giving me the nickname Frank Z.
  • ...Rick for making me laugh during that last year of college.
  • ...Frank Lamontagne for that weird sense of humor. Never forget that we met Jean-Paul Sartre!
  • ...All of the other info dudes for being there.
  • ...Marie-Paule Pellerin, Line Fiset, Guylaine Turmel, Cecile Poliquin, Dorice Brisson, Michel Fortin and Michel Roy for teaching me all of that stuff (Sorry Pierre, you're not included. I pray for your soul).
  • ...Line Fiset for being sarcastic and making fun of Frenette.
  • ...Marie-Josée Beaudoin for being my first date (Hey, Still alive?).
  • ...Ben for being my only goth friend.
  • ...Papi for arguing with me during hours and hours.
  • ...Stooch for teaching me how to play Starcraft.
  • ...Kerr for being my friend back in high school.
  • ...Andrée Caron for being so cheerful.
  • ...Francois Gélinas for all that great roleplay.
  • ...Evelyne for still being my friend, after all those hard long years.
  • ...Christine for being the only girl who could argue with me for hours. Too bad you now hate me, babe.
  • ...David Gélinas for all that supporting roleplay.
  • ...Maurice for showing me the Japanese culture (Anime and that stuff).
  • ...Bush for finally calling me by my real name.
  • ...Amélie Bergeron and Michelle Naud for being Pretty, Cheerful and Intelligent (I won't thank you for being feministic though).
  • ...Pierre-Olivier Lacas for being my friend in those distant highschool years.
  • ...Catherine Gélinas for being my archrival in elementary school. I wish you the greatest luck.
  • ...Sandra Delatri and Yvon St-Antoine for teaching me chemistry and physics in such funny ways.
  • ...Gilles Cinqmars for being the coolest teacher ever.
  • ...All of the other persons I've met in my life.
  • ...This server for surporting such a page.
  • ...Pepsi-Cola for all of those great Pepsi cans.
  • ...Capcom for creating the great street fighter legend.
  • ...Those guys who put up The Internet, so you can now read my page.
  • ...Miyamoto Musashi for being the greatest samurai ever.
  • ...Dan Hibiki for allowing me to win with him.
  • ...All of the companies who are releasing subtitled anime in America.
  • ...And finally, my mom and my dad for giving me birth.

My venerable brother once said : "Love or hate, there is no inbetweens". I never totally agreed with him, but in this case, I must admit he is right. There are some poeple you love and some people you hate (or at least, don't like). So, for all of you out there who didn't make it to the "Thanks" list, i've made the "I'll NEVER thank" section!

I'll NEVER thank...

  • ...Claudia for giving me those nightmares.
  • ...Line Fiset for stealing my Pantone pens.
  • ...Pas facile for being so annoying.
  • ...Gne for being so damn ugly.
  • ...All of Evelyn's friend who ignored me.
  • ...All the boyfriends of my girl friends. They ALL are complete idiots.
  • ...Yoan Ross for strange reasons. Yoan, if you ever read this, no hard feelings.
  • ...a man known as "Sherman" (yes, like the Sherminator) for being so fucking annoying.

Well, at least I'm a positive guy, so I don't have much person I'll never thank. Anyway, that's all for this special thanks section!